How The Hell Do I Get Rid Of This

So this one is getting’ a tad wee bit more personal I suppose. The thing is that probably the majority of us, if not all, have these, yet I am still finding it hard to talk about. I’ll stop building the tension and just tell you what it is. Stretch marks. Yep, that thing that is uncontrollably made when we grow. The thing so many people are embarrassed about, including me, despite the fact they are completely natural.


It was long ago when I was looking in the mirror and I saw on my back that I had so many stretch marks. To be honest, I never really knew that you could get them on your back, but I mean obviously you can because, well, your back grows so. And then every so often I would find more and more. Literally my back just looks like a road system at the moment. I obviously have stretch marks elsewhere on my body but these are the ones I hated the most. I just felt so gross and ashamed of myself. I mean what is a guy gonna think when he sees that all the way down my back. It was crazy how all I was thinking about was what others would think. How would they act? What can I do to stop this?

The answer is, you can’t. And one day I stopped and I thought, what do I think about this? I really thought for a while and then I came to the conclusion that they are kind of like your story. Whether that story is just your growing, or whether it is something more personal. But no matter what, it seems cool. As though they are your ‘battle scars’ or something. Like people could have gone through so much and having stretch marks could have been one of the results. Yes, that could bring back bad memories for people but I am gonna try and focus on the beauty of it.

A lot of the time we kind of just need to stop for a second and focus on what we think, without the fear of judgment or the future, but just kind of look at it in a different light. Yes that is easier said then done, and I know that, trust me, but the only person that truly matters in your life is yourself even when that is hard to believe. Teens and adults have become so obsessed with our bodies and I mean who can blame ya because we see on Instagram the perfect features of a model, without any imperfections and we just think, how the hell am I supposed to compete with that. Well, you can’t, because it is totally unrealistic and fake. I also just wanna make something clear. I am talking for both men, woman, or whatever pronoun you associate yourself with. Just every person lets say. Every single person gets stretch marks. Every single person can get embarrassed by their stretch marks. If you associate yourself as a man or any other group that usually gets frowned upon if they show any sign of weakness. It is OK that you have these stretch marks, OK. It is normal for you to have stretch marks. You guys can be embarrassed by these things too, so yeah I just wanted to make it clear that I am talking to everyone, not just girls.


Now for the reason of the title, ‘How the hell do I get rid of this’. Now, before your English teacher devours this and somehow link it back to that one time I looked at a blade of grass, this title is only talking about the fact that I was embarrassed by my stretch marks. Well, I mean I still am to be honest, but what the title means is that we need to recognize that there is no magic potion that gets rid of them, I think. We are stuck with these things so we may as well embrace them. No matter how much I look at them or think about them, I will still have them, and so will you, and so will everyone. So we kinda just gotta live with it and move on. Yes I know that made it sound easy but I know that over time you will notice them one day and be like ‘oh yeah… I’m a bad bitch’ and just move on ya know.

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed this and made you realise that there are so many people out there that are embarrassed about the same thing as you because it is a normal thing that we can’t change. But anyways, please follow and like this post because it would mean the world to me. Hope you have a great day, stay safe and stay yourself PERIODT


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