Disney’s Deep Message Behind ‘The Little Mermaid’

I think we all gotta learn from Arial’s mistakes. No, not ‘don’t brush your hair with a fork’ but something else a lot deeper (pun not intended) that all the ladies out there gotta hear about. Btw this is in no way me tryna be a Karen and ‘cancel’ Disney, it’s just a good example lol.

So for all you people who haven’t watched the little mermaid (aka those who live in darkness) or those who haven’t watched it in a while, let me give you a quick wee rundown of what happens. So basically, this ‘main character’ talking fish human loves old shit, but then her dad explodes it, so being the dramatic bitch she is she swims away and finds a dying man in the sea. She fancies said man and literally brings him to shore and stares at him for a while and then is like ‘shit I’m a fish’ scuttles back into the sea. Oh, and meanwhile a Jamaican crab is following her, obviously. But then Arial gets all lovey-dovey for this guy she only looked at and begins to hate life in the sea despite the fact that is cool as fuck. But anyways, these eels are like ‘we got you bitch’ and sweep her away to this octopus bitch. She literally lives in a cave with all these crusty dead people’s soles and octo-bitch basically is like ‘I’ll give you feet’ and Arial is all biz and can’t wait but then octo-bitch is like ‘and I’ll take your voice’ so then Arial is like ‘oh shit but ok’. So she grows her feet and literally dies in the sea but then her fish friend swims her up onto the beach and she has to get a kiss from her manz to get her voice back. That is basically all that is important for this post. So hopefully that caught you up and we can get started.

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So what was Arial’s big mess up? Let’s shout it for the people in the back! SHE SILENCED HERSELF FOR A MAN! Never will I ever condone such behaviour from a living person. I mean there is true love and there is idiocracy, and it’s a fine line but this bitch is so far from the line that she is in the dictionary under the word dumb. Like, obviously in terms of the movie I made it way too deep and it really does just add a twist, but what I am trying to say is that no queen should have to lose her voice for any prince no matter what. And I’ll say that ’til the day I die.


It is literally the 21st-century bitch. We educated, we grown, we got rights. So don’t let nobody take that from you. Like you really can’t give that up for a second because imagine one of the suffragettes was watching and saw you literally lose your voice just so you could get a man. Like that is pretty much the opposite of what they wanted and bitch they got what they want, so it’s about time we showed our gratitude and spoke our truth. I’m not gonna lie, I had stayed quiet for a guy before and I realise that isn’t good, but when you are in that situation you are willing to do anything to stay with them, even if that means taking away your opinion and thoughts. Like it is so shite to hear that people have to make themselves quiet and weak just for a man to like her even remotely.

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Arial literally could have lost everything just so she got find this man who she knew nothing about and that is similar, in some ways, to how girls act nowadays trying to get a guy. We should never have to lose our voice or sell our soul to the devil for nobody. I don’t care if it is fucking Brad Pitt or Tom Holland or whoever the fuck you like, you better speak up because if they don’t like that then that’s their problem and you shouldn’t change yourself. Let them come and go because someday some person will come and stay to hear what you have to say. They may even stand up with you to help amplify your opinions so now you are twice as loud. Even if they leave you and you lose everything, you still have your morals and your voice and that will get you further than anything else in this world


Thankfully large octopus people can’t really come chasing after you with a shell demanding your voice, but something similar is men and society in general. So you run girl. You run as fast as those legs can handle and you shout from the top of your lungs because you are just as entitled to an opinion as anyone else. You preach what you think and you show them was a boss bitch you are. Never change for anyone but yourself. Show younger girls from across the world that their voice is a superpower that we all have but we may not fully realise.

So get up on a stage, put your hand up in class, continue speaking when you’re interrupted in class and do whatever it is you need to do to get heard. But whatever you do, you must never ever apologize. I hope you have a great day, stay safe and stay yourself PERIODT.




Is it inauthentic (or “fake”) to not voice your opinion?

The author grapples with the dilemma of voicing opinions vs. staying silent to avoid conflict. From not challenging friends’ behavior to feeling inadequate in arguments, the struggle is real. Is it fake…

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